Sex And The 06S6City
Saturday, January 14, 2006
about the campfire.. there is nothing much i can say more than WILD!!!

yes, like all others, yesterday was the most crazy day of my life!!! perhaps i was being overly crazy, coz i was shouting quite a lot ytd. to clarify things, it's not TOOT TOOT but CHoo-CHoo train... we did a lot of cheers, esp the move-it move it cheer. during the chee yang performance, i could remember ppl holding up light stix, but it was very fun shouting our guts out for our fac to win. we won the prize for the best performance and it was WOOHOO!!!

actually i dun really remember much, juz a lot of shouting and everyone staring at me like i was some loanshark. but nvm, since it was so noisy everywhere. we were basically singing our way back and making so much noise. everyone living around the area muz hate us!!! for me, i sat with the seniors with xinyi and played the number game. haiz, never tio b4 and should be quite lucky. at least i sat near my mortal, but she very quiet one... haiz....

wrote all my letters le, very excited to pass to them on monday!!! happy hols!!!

KBOX next week if possible. if not, we can do some other stuff also can... if not chinese new year banner and this time no one can escape. all nid to draw!!! come up with designs if possible. class jacket not easy to do, so i nid designs and suggestions. everyone give ideas, i do the drawing, juz like the first banner k? thx!!!
posted by parodyionic @ 9:47 pm  
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