Sex And The 06S6City
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Cha Shao Bao
huang cheng reunion dinner tonite! im not sure whether this should be posted in the class blog cuz abit irrelevant. haha. so forgive me if its boring for you. anywae since S6C dominates the huang cheng xuan chuan dept and we have so many ppl in yellow city im going to tok abt it! besides the xuan chuan girls and terence heng and chin kiat and lan fang, todae we welcome the new honorary part time workers in yellow city from 6C! yanmin and yunzhou!!! helping us paint the banner!! so people who want to join us muz come down and help us if you can make it oso!

the War of the Paint continued in todae's banner painting. the casualties are doubly as serious as those suffered previously. no arm was spared from paint. no leg escaped the ruthless brush strokes. even necks and toenails had yellow, pink, blue and black paint stained on their originally flawless skin. the source of the war. jeanie! heavy casualty: kiamian kiahui jeanie yanmin yunzhou. may their skin cells rest in peace.

for those who din go for the reunion dinner, unfortunately you missed out on the Wedding Dinner of the Century. the chance to witness the union of another two members of our beloved class, the second couple to marry in less then 3 weeks of school. will they end up like the first pair [ct rep and lan fang]....or live happily ever after? rumors of a third party has already started spreading around.....for wedding photos......look for jeanie kiamian or yu-yin!

i realised this is quite a lame post. paiseh.
posted by lurveJJ @ 11:44 pm  
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    Yu-Yin (06S6A)
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    Chee Jia (06S6D)
    Qingdan (06S6K)
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