Thursday, January 19, 2006 |
Scarcity |
Each and everyone of us have our own commitments, we have goals to pursue, we want to enjoy ourselves, we have many other wants. We want to participate in CCA, we want to play afool in our own class, we want to paint banner together, we want to go kBox, we have many other wants...
Time is limited.
24 hours a day, not more, not less. To many, time is more than enough. To many more, time is never enough. Just like Terence, he has his own commitments, his own dreams, his goals. Do well in studies, have fun together, achieve as much in CCA, family time, friend's time, personal time. He is not the only one facing this problem. He speaks everyone's heart out. His post pointed out this important question...
"What do I want?"
Pause and think. Why are you here? To mug? To know more friends? To slack? To have fun with the fellow schoolmates or classmates? To pursue your ambition?
"What do YOU want?"
Your choice to be a mugger, to be a slacker, or to make a friend of life. Your choice to be ANYTHING.
6 years of primary school education, 4 years of secondary school life. We are here, a brand new page of our life. We can choose to let history repeat itself again, or create your own legend. I don't have a happy primary school life, nor first 2 years of secondary school. Life was just about getting a pass in English, mugging, and studying. Slacking in CCA seem to be a daily routine. It was boring.
I would not let history repeats again.
Reading this post again, it makes me wonder if I am pessimistic about life. I was, but not anymore, after meeting you guys. Life is not just about mugging, nor about sleeping and slacking, but, to have fun together, jokes around, laughs around, plays around. Things will go around ultimately.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going - Outdoor Adventure Club
With a new page of life unfold, lets colour it with our laughters, our hope, our achievements, our friendship.
Don't leaves blank in your life. Fill it in. It is not too late.
People treasure only when they have lost it. Don't make time one of them.
P.S. This is the first time I write such essays, or composition, or blog, may sound very serious, and stupid at times. It sets me thinking, could it be just some crap? However, I am just trying to vent my emotional feelings. Anyone not too comfortable with my post can tell me (secretly) and I would gladly remove this entry. |
posted by Yu Tse @ 8:35 pm |
Our Citizens |
Gays, lesbians, big boss, prawn noodle, laksa, MEEPOK UNCLE, shark's fin, 杨贵妃,唐玄宗,Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Fei Yu-Ching 费玉清,梁文福-wannabe, Toro, Stefanie Sun 孙燕姿,bimboes, Osala, Pillar, Royal Monkey, superwoman, Junquan and lynette (aka mr and mrs muthu), Fandi, poledancer, dustbin farmilie,
That's us. 这就是我们
Bloop bloop!
Our Cabinet |
- CT Rep:
Yan Min
- Vice CT Rep:
- General Secretary:
- Welfare Secretaries:
Yanyin Simin
- Treasurer:
Yan Zhi
- Techie:
Si Min
- Physics Rep:
- CLL Rep:
- Chemistry Rep:
Yu Tse
- Maths Rep:
Kia Hui
- Economics Rep:
Peng Le
- GP Rep:
- PE Rep:
Terence Phay
- Presidents:
Jia Wei Shi Yan Yue Kai Lan Fang
- Ambassadors:
Yun Zhou (06S6A) Yu-Yin (06S6A) Lan Guan (06S6B) Chee Jia (06S6D) Qingdan (06S6K)
- Senior Ministers:
Jeanie Wu Lin
- Minister Mentor:
Kia Mian
Our National Anthems |
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Our History |
Our Delegation |
Our Image |
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Our Previous Dynasties |
Our Future |
Our Neighbours |
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