Sex And The 06S6City
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Sexy Times Daily
Wednesday, 22 February, 2006

Reported by Uncle Meepok

Reports say: A huge dip in blog posts by suppliers from 6C

"Negotiations are not going smoothly. Suppliers are unwilling to increase the production of articles and this has a huge impact on the global sexy economy" Sexy Commuter said on Wednesday.

News reports have indicated a worrying trend in the supplies of blog entries in 6C in the past few weeks. This phenomenon has struck horror into the hearts of many consumers, who yearn to read the daily posts of updates and fun that has happened in school. However, this seems to be a dream falling out of reach. Is this really the end to the unkindling enthusiasm of the class?

Background: Research and statistics from 6C Daily has indicated a huge dip in the blogging frequency of many of its users. In fact, the number of posts have declined ten fold over a short period of a month, which eventually brings scandals and daily updates to a new bottomline.

With the increasing demand for juicy news, there appears to be a hyper deflation. Prices of blog entries are skyrocketing by the minute, no longer keeping at a steady pace. Oh wait, this is price inelasticity! The blog is slowly turning into a cold slate of stone, awaiting some powerful craftsmen to carve onto the hard gravel, painstakingly. Is there nothing to be done?

As blog entries come to a new dip in recent weeks, competitors are emerging strong from the competition. Is the blog not standing up to competition, or is it going to buckle under the impeding blog entries inundating other blogs?

Are computer speeds and lagging discouraging blogging? Or is it the heavy pile of useless papers diminishing the passion in expressing views? No! The reason remains unknown as this strange illness seeps deep into the community, draining every drop of fun and laughter in the students. Is this the end? What should be done?

Copyright 2006 The 6C sexy Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
posted by parodyionic @ 9:59 pm  
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