Sex And The 06S6City
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Mixed feelings huh, many people should be experiencing it too..

As time goes by, nothing remains unchanged. The laughter we share, the sadness and sorrows we experienced, the happiness that we feel, and many other activities we have gone through.

I am now listening Sadness And Sorrow by Toshiro Masuda. A very sad music.. makes my eyes red.. ya it is very hard to accept the fact that some of us are leaving the class. There is no words that can express how grateful I am to the class, for providing me with this opportunity to know so many of our friendly classmates. I would never thought myself participating so actively in class activities, being an introvert myself. No words can show how I dread some of you guys to leave.. but the least we can do is wishing you all the best in the new classes, if you face any difficulties, remember, our class bench is always there for you.

As time goes by... actually many things remains unchanged... the laughter we shared... the difficulties we pulled through... the happiness of achievements... and many other activities we have enjoyed as a class...


The history of 06S6C will forever unchanged. The memories of January to March together as a class will never fade, the history, the memories, the experience... invaluable.. treasure them.

Be sure to visit us often, we will miss you :'(
posted by Yu Tse @ 9:29 pm  
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