Sex And The 06S6City
Friday, March 31, 2006
Stand Up! Speak Up!
I was struggling whether to post it on my own blog or on the class blog, but eventually I decided that I should post it here so that all of us can, together, discuss about this problem and seek a solution.

The class is far too quiet.

It is quiet during GP lesson and during PW lesson. I only specify these two lessons because these are the only lessons in which the teachers attempt to stir up some discussion amongst us.

Of course we all know very well that the teachers had failed.

But I do not blame them for the failure.

Because we are the ones who refuse to speak up.

I don't know if this is a common sight in your previous schools/classes, but as far as I can remember, I certainly enjoyed English lessons back in secodnary school. The people were lively and they always generate a lot of ideas for discussion and pose a lot of (in-depth) questions to the presentors with regards to their presentation.

Of course, those who have been in the same system as I had been through for my 4 years in Chinese High would know that there's this "Invisible Hand" called Oral Participation (OP) that is responsible for creating all the discussions.

But hey, at least we did open our mouths and talk! We ought to give the system some credit.

Of course, it would be pathetic to implement this system again at JC level just to "force" students to talk, else they shall lose points for their overall grade. Afterall, we are 17 years-old already.

But the thing is, right now without such system, we ain't doing the talking anymore. Everytime it's the same few guys who are willing to let their voices be heard, namely Marcus, Chin Kiat, and to some extent, Yan Min and me.

We can't be the ones to respond to the teachers' questions forever. As far as I can see now, Marcus has ran out of ideas.

I hereby appeal to all 6C people to be more proactive and spontaneous during lessons, especially GP and PW lessons. I know many of you find these two lessons boring, or find that the teachers suck, cannot make it (cmi) ... etc. but to quote from Ong CG, our CLL lecturer,

"In JC, some of the tutors you get just can't teach, CMI... Such situation also happen at tertiary level. But this is JC level, you need to do all the self-study that you need. You need to be responsible for your own learning. You cannot depend on your teachers anymore."

Indeed. The lesson can be an interesting one if we choose to make it interesting. Just like Campus Superstar, the techer, like the judges, only controls 30% of the lessons' fate. The remaining 70% lies in our hands, or in this case, in our mouths.

I guess up to here, I have made my point clear. I hope that all of you can do some soul-searching and self-reflection. Nothing against all of you, I just seek your co-operation and make our lessons more enjoyable and more lively. It's for our own benefit at the end of the day. =)
posted by Terence (Hasegawa Masahiro) @ 7:41 pm  
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