Wednesday, June 21, 2006 |
GP Essays |
Hi 6C,
Sorry for being so vulgar on the tagboard and in that SMS. But I am upset that someone has taken away our (not just mine, but the whole stack) GP essays without even to have the basic common sense and courtesy to inform us.
(In any case, you should not take away all our GP essays because you are just making things inconvenient for us as we are unable to collect our essays at our desired time.)
I'll be frank. I am seriously UNHAPPY about it and aghast at the stupidity and how inconsiderate some of our classmates can get.
Better tell us where our essays are before I CURSE THAT YOU'LL FAIL EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT FOR YOUR BLOCKS!
Editted to add: Okay, Lynette took the essays home and she put them back into the pigeon hole AFTER i went to check it yesterday. So I guess all our essays are back in the pigoen hole le.. can go take.. |
posted by Terence (Hasegawa Masahiro) @ 9:17 am |
Our Citizens |
Gays, lesbians, big boss, prawn noodle, laksa, MEEPOK UNCLE, shark's fin, 杨贵妃,唐玄宗,Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Fei Yu-Ching 费玉清,梁文福-wannabe, Toro, Stefanie Sun 孙燕姿,bimboes, Osala, Pillar, Royal Monkey, superwoman, Junquan and lynette (aka mr and mrs muthu), Fandi, poledancer, dustbin farmilie,
That's us. 这就是我们
Bloop bloop!
Our Cabinet |
- CT Rep:
Yan Min
- Vice CT Rep:
- General Secretary:
- Welfare Secretaries:
Yanyin Simin
- Treasurer:
Yan Zhi
- Techie:
Si Min
- Physics Rep:
- CLL Rep:
- Chemistry Rep:
Yu Tse
- Maths Rep:
Kia Hui
- Economics Rep:
Peng Le
- GP Rep:
- PE Rep:
Terence Phay
- Presidents:
Jia Wei Shi Yan Yue Kai Lan Fang
- Ambassadors:
Yun Zhou (06S6A) Yu-Yin (06S6A) Lan Guan (06S6B) Chee Jia (06S6D) Qingdan (06S6K)
- Senior Ministers:
Jeanie Wu Lin
- Minister Mentor:
Kia Mian
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