Sex And The 06S6City
Monday, July 24, 2006
class meeting aftermath
to my dearest class

i am heartened to see that all of u gave me ur fullest attention as i was desperately trying to convey my thoughts to all of u. i knew it didn't really come out well, but i just want to clarify: i am not picking on anyone when i debriefed the stall issue, i was just highlighting a problem that we have. xinwei has accurately pointed it out, responsibility. really hope that everyone will think twice before signing up for any roles in future events. i admire your enthusiasm but do try to weigh your priorities and see if u can make time for what u are planning to be in charge of.

as for spending time within the class, i think it all boils down to mentality. class may not be first, but it must NEVER be the last. everyone has their own commitments, but do try to make time, as we try to construct a class that we will be proud of, a class that will shine in athena and the school.

the past few months has seen a lot of ups and downs, laughters and tensions. we can take it in our stride, and reflect upon the problems that arise. i know that everyone knows a little about what is causing these problems, so do think about them, DON'T RUN AWAY FROM THEM. if anyone has any doubts, u can always discuss it with ur closest companions, or even discuss it with any one of us. i am sure we will be able to lend a listening ear and give constructive feedback. like what i mentioned, the class has always been there for me, and it really tears my heart to see it crumbling into shambles.

yes, to end this off, i want to say that: you are doing this not for my agenda, not for my activities. u are doing this for yourself, to encapsulate these two years of memories which u will eternally hold dear to u.

PS: JIAWEI!!! thank you so much!!! and to the class. thanks a lot for cheering me on!!! i love 06s6c!

posted by parodyionic @ 5:21 pm  
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