Friday, September 29, 2006 |
Post Promos Schedule |
For ease of reading, I have decided to upload the important dates, time and venue here.
Post Promos schedule:
4/10 Wednesday - End of Promos! 2-6pm: Festival of Sports
5/10 Thursday 8-9am: CT Session 1: Personal Time Venue: A307 9-10am: Student survey and briefing Venue: Auditorium 1-2.30pm: H2 CLL Lesson 1 Venue: LT5 2-6pm: Festival of Sports
6/10 Friday 8-10am: PW Tutorial Venue: A309 10-11.30am: Student’s Forum & council-meet-student session Venue: Auditorium 12-2pm: PW mass briefing on OP Venue: Auditorium 2pm-6pm: Festival of Sports
7/10 Saturday 6-10pm: Mid Autumn Festival
9/10 Monday 8-10am: PW tutorial Venue: A309
10/10 Tuesday 10-12pm: Return of Chemistry H2 papers Venue: Auditorium 11-12pm: Faculty Meeting Venue: To be comfirmed Remarks: Seems to be a clash. Take note on the actual day itself. 1-3pm: PW Oral Presentation Rehearsal 1 Venue: A309
11/10 Wednesday 10-1130am: Return of H2 Physics Paper Venue: Auditorium 11-12pm: Return of H3 Maths Papers Venue: A208, A209 11-12pm: Return of H1 Geography Papers Venue: A301 1-3pm: PW Oral Presentation Rehearsal 2 Venue: A309
12/10 Thursday 8-10am: Spring Cleaning Venue: To be comfirmed 9.30-10.30am: Return of H2 CLL (LEP) Papers Venue: LT1 11-12pm: Return of H2 Economics Papers Venue: Auditorium
13/10 Friday 8-2pm: Open House 2-330pm: H2 LEP Lesson 2
Ok, that is it for now. Hope it is really easier to read this way.. |
posted by Yu Tse @ 6:56 pm |
Our Citizens |
Gays, lesbians, big boss, prawn noodle, laksa, MEEPOK UNCLE, shark's fin, 杨贵妃,唐玄宗,Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Fei Yu-Ching 费玉清,梁文福-wannabe, Toro, Stefanie Sun 孙燕姿,bimboes, Osala, Pillar, Royal Monkey, superwoman, Junquan and lynette (aka mr and mrs muthu), Fandi, poledancer, dustbin farmilie,
That's us. 这就是我们
Bloop bloop!
Our Cabinet |
- CT Rep:
Yan Min
- Vice CT Rep:
- General Secretary:
- Welfare Secretaries:
Yanyin Simin
- Treasurer:
Yan Zhi
- Techie:
Si Min
- Physics Rep:
- CLL Rep:
- Chemistry Rep:
Yu Tse
- Maths Rep:
Kia Hui
- Economics Rep:
Peng Le
- GP Rep:
- PE Rep:
Terence Phay
- Presidents:
Jia Wei Shi Yan Yue Kai Lan Fang
- Ambassadors:
Yun Zhou (06S6A) Yu-Yin (06S6A) Lan Guan (06S6B) Chee Jia (06S6D) Qingdan (06S6K)
- Senior Ministers:
Jeanie Wu Lin
- Minister Mentor:
Kia Mian
Our National Anthems |
Our Religion |
Our Language |
Our History |
Our Delegation |
Our Image |
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Our Previous Dynasties |
Our Future |
Our Neighbours |
Our Population |
Our Benefactors |